Monday, February 24, 2014

Three Shot Sequences

In our current project in GT we are practicing three shot sequencing. Three shot sequencing is a sequence of short shots that show an action in a more interesting way then a regular shot. Three shot sequencing starts with a wide shot that displays the beginning of an action. The next shot is a medium shot that is timed so that the action from the first shot is continued smoothly into this one. The last shot is a close up or an extreme close up that is timed to run smoothly like the transition between the first and second to make the shift run smoothly. The three step transition is a way to make a longer shot shorter and more visually interesting. These are examples of shots that are well sequenced.

To improve your three shot sequence it just takes a lot of practice. The sequencing needs professional shots and awesome visuals. Your angles need to be interesting and satisfying. You also need to time your actions perfectly so that it smoothly transition into your next sequencing shot. This website explains how to improve three shot sequencing in detail.

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