Friday, March 7, 2014

Profile Project Process

In GT we are interviewing Cambria's mom, Jessica, about nursing as a career. We shot B-roll at the hospital and the interview in an office space. We chose Jessica because she is very involved in her career and she cares and enjoys what she does as a living.

Shooting B-roll was a difficult task because we had to get lower shots that the tripod was not capable of reaching. So we had to come up with other solutions. We shot our B-roll a second time with better shots and no camera movement, it was very successful. With our new B-roll our video seems very complete.

To Edit this we used the Final Cut Pro. Program which is a professional editing system. We applied voice overs and cut imperfections in the interview. Our rough cut was completed this week which still needed a lot of editing and reshooting. We will complete our project by the due date which was extended an extra day which gives us plenty of time to do what we need to like editing our b-roll and replacing voiceovers.

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